Gwyneth Paltrow sent to the hospital

Us Magazine confirms that Gwyneth Paltrow was admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital yesterday afternoon. It is unclear why she is there, but they say she looked pretty sickly.

“She was slumped over in a wheelchair pushed by [husband] Chris Martin,” an eyewitness tells Us. “She looked not well.” At 6:30 p.m., a bag – labeled “Gwyneth Martin” – from NYC organic home supply store Organics Avenue was delivered.

I think it would be funny if they hid pieces of genetically enhanced meat in her organic food. Then when she starts gaining weight and growing a mustache, taunt her with names like fugly and fatass or if you want to be really mean, fugly fatass. I figure the Sinai staff can do this to pass the time. Hospitals are boring.

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16 years ago

She’s apparently on a gluten-free diet, and is rumored to have celiac disease. She should do the world a favor and start talking about it. She also had meals delivered to her in the hospital from a health food store. Wanna bet they were gluten-free?

I bet she ate the wrong thing and made herself sick.