Mickey Rourke is a slut

Mickey Rourke was asked by The Sun what he thought about Ashley Cole’s whoring around and, if you know Mickey Rourke, he was more than happy to answer. Actually, brag.

“Forget Ashley Cole, his behaviour has nothing on a film star. WAGs get an easy time – they should try living with Hollywood hellraisers.

“I once spent a weekend in the UK and had 14 women in one night.”

“If you WAGs knew what Hollywood’s stars get up to you’d think you were married to pussycats.”

That’s cool and all, but Rourke sounds like an old man recounting tales of his youth. I’m surprised he didn’t have to trudge through seven feet of snow to bed these women or that he didn’t go off on a tangent about his dog or an onion tied to his belt. 14 isn’t so impressive anyway. I once had 20 women in one night and it was awesome because when you get that many, the hookers give you a discount.

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