There are Kanye West penis pictures

Radar reports that Kanye West transformed into Brett Favre one day and sent a bunch of girls on MySpace pictures of his penis. Now they’re being shopped around to the media. These aren’t rumors or conjecture either because Radar says they’ve seen the pictures, some of which cannot be unseen and some of which are real classy.

One image shows a nude Kanye from the chest up, wearing sunglasses and a gold chain, while the second photo shows the singer’s genitals provocatively exposed from his boxer briefs.

“These pics have been floating around since he hit so many girls up on MySpace,” according to the source of the images. “He probably sent them to many, many women.”

What? Now famous people like me and Kanye can’t send pictures of themselves naked to random girls on MySpace without it becoming a huge deal? What’s next? Are people going to get all huffy about this coat of dead babies I’m wearing? What a bunch of old fuddy-duddies.

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13 years ago

Maybe his back stiffened up and he can’t suck his own cock lately? It ain’t gonna suck itself.

13 years ago
Reply to  nogob

ay bra tell me about it

13 years ago

damn chick get a grip of yourself the hairs is just not working