Bar Refaeli Got a Sexy Pat Down

Bar Refaeli made her distaste for the TSA known today after maybe being patted down for the first time. This assumption based on how surprised she sounded.

“I got a security ‘patdown’ by a woman at the airport that made me feel very uncomfortable and left no doubt about her sexual preferences,” wrote Refaeli.

There needs to be a little more clarification on how the agent “left no doubt about her sexual preferences.” Did she lick her lips and say, “Mmm, yeaaa, this is nice” as she was patting her down? At any point, did the agent tell her, “I’m going to have to stick my finger in there. For security purposes.” After the pat down, did she give Bar’s ass a little slap, wink at her and send her on her way? Or did she just do what I would have done which was giggle the entire time she was squeezing every part of her body?

In unrelated news, applicants for TSA agents have risen 400%.

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11 years ago

Is Bar Rafaeli a terrorist?