The Playboy Mansion Halloween Party

The Playboy Mansion held a Halloween party last Saturday. Apparently the theme that night was to dress as yourself because Paris Hilton dressed as a party girl from Carnivale, Sean Combs and his friends dressed in jheri curls, Brandon Davis dressed as a pig and Chris Brown just came in a t-shirt and knocked out every girl he walked past. Just kidding but come to think of it, the perfect costume for Chris would be Little Mac from Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! Right? Right?!

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11 years ago

The promotional part of the party was set up by company calling themselves “Kandy/Karma”, this company claims themselves as charity but who really knows how much of the money they make charging door entry to this event goes into their own pockets!??! Sadly, Playboy’s golden days are over, when they are charging door entry to a so called “Hugh Hefner” event you know it is no longer a true Playboy Party. In the early 2000’s you could still experience a real party, his main girls were not allowed to go around selling tickets nor was any company held accountable at… Read more »

11 years ago

I hope she stayed outta the grotto, no need for her depositing any more microbes in there. After all didn’t they have an outbreak of Legionnaires disease there last year?