You Made Justin Bieber Cry

A source tells The Daily Mail that Justin Bieber has been crying non-stop ever since those racist videos of him singing about killing black people and joining the KKK came out.

Justin’s been in tears. But he knows he needs to take responsibility for his actions, he’s confronting his past and he’s hanging out with his real friends and his parents.

Absolutely no one feels any sympathy for this little douchebag. In fact, like Superman gets his power from the sun, I get my power from Bieber tears. I’m pretty sure I can lift a car right now.

In spite of these videos, however, people are not distancing themselves from Justin like rats fleeing a sinking ship. No, Justin’s Young Money crew is standing by him. Most likely because Bieber shits money.

Young Money Prez Mack Maine tells TMZ … everyone on the label has interacted with Bieber extensively and there has not been a hint of racism on Justin’s part. Mack Maine says the majority of Justin’s crew is black, and “Bieber does not have a slave mentality. He treats his people with respect.”

Mack Maine says Justin has “legitimately adopted the culture of the hip hop, African American culture.”

And Mack Maine says everyone in the Young Money camp believes Bieber’s age at the time he recorded the song is highly relevant. Mack Maine confessed, “I remember telling a white man, Chinese man, Black man joke as a kid that was terrible and I told it to my friends because I thought they’d think it was funny.”

Bieber does not have a slave mentality. So he’s not sitting on his front porch sipping a mint julep as he watches black people pick the proverbial cotton in his field. Well, congratulations are certainly in order.

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9 years ago

To think Capitalism and it’s money is more important than respect to others.

And the “age” think is BS disgusting!!!