Fake Black NAACP President, Rachel Dolezal, Resigns

The jig is up! Rachel Dolezal got her cover busted a few days ago and now she’s tapped out. Dolezal was recently outed as not black, but very much the NAACP President of the Spokane chapter. Her history is, fascinating, to say the least. From her education at predominantly black college, Howard University, to her commitment to hairstyles and also telling her adopted brother not to blow her cover, Dolezal really, really wanted to play this part. Even black people are wondering, maybe she IS…black? We aren’t even sure.

Public pressure finally caught up to Dolezal as she posted her resignation on Facebook.

It is with complete allegiance to the cause of racial and social justice and the NAACP that I step aside from the Presidency and pass the baton to my Vice President, Naima Quarles-Burnley.

Naima Quarles-Burnley. BLACK! We think…

Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights…this is not about me. It’s about justice…It’s about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the #‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment.

With much love and a commitment to always fight for what is right and good in this world,

Rachel Dolezal

Then she ended it with a black power salute.

No word on reaction from NAACP members. What’ll be really ironic is if they decide, you know what, yea, she’s not black, but so what? She wanted to help. And after that, organize a freedom march for her while singing “We Shall Overcome”. At that point, Dolezal’s journey to being black will truly be complete.

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