Watch This ’95 Video of President Obama Talking About ‘Ribs and P***y’ If You Love Yourself

Vintage Obama. Nice.

Maybe the future prez was doing a reading from his book Dreams From My Father at a library. Maybe he was quoting a friend in this alleged book he’s totally not reading from in the video who mostly agreed with Malcolm X, just not in every way.

Though, maybe retro Obama just wanted some ribs and pussy. Maybe he was the kinda guy that sends you unsolicited dick pics at 2 in the afternoon on Wednesdays. Maybe young Obama was rapscallion as hell 24/7.

I’ll leave it up to you. I know where I stand, though. Check out the clip below.

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Prince Phillip Anon Harris
Prince Phillip Anon Harris
7 years ago

lOl! I’m a member of Obama’s Church!

The American Jimmy
The American Jimmy
7 years ago

lynch obama and hillary.