James Woods is an inspiration

Appearing at the premiere of Entourage, 59 year old James Woods was sporting a new accessory. Her name is Ashley Madison and she’s 20. She’s also reported to be the daughter of one of James Woods’ golfing buddies. This is my golf clap for you James. I will tell you that I have spent 20 years and all my grant money perfecting my formula for coolness, but I cannot divulge it to you because the Kremlin is listening. However, I can say Woods’ number is 11 and to give you a reference point, Brad Pitt’s is 18 and mine is 19.

Woods’ is also quoted as saying, “This is my whole entourage right here,” “What more do I need?” By the sound of it, Woods must be thinking he hit the jackpot. By the looks of it, that 20 year old would wear the old man out right quick, take his money and become America’s next socialite.

James and Madison


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