It’s not a picture of Jay-Z because I don’t really want to look at his funny face. In the Economist magazine, the managing director of the company that produces Cristal, Frederic Rouzaud, said he viewed the affection for Cristal by rappers and their fans with “curiousity and serenity”. When asked if the association with this lifestyle is detrimental, he responded with:
“That’s a good question, but what can we do? We can’t forbid people from buying it. I’m sure Dom Perignon or Krug would be delighted to have their business.”
Apparently, Jay-Z was butt hurt by these comments. He is now pulling all Cristal from his clubs and is replacing them with Dom Perignon and Krug. Jay-Z has also deemed these comments as racist. I’m not sure if Jay-Z is retarded or if hip-hop is actually a race, but the fact of the matter is, 95% of Jay-Z’s fans can’t afford any of these three beverages. When was the last time you saw a fan go to their corner store and ask for a bottle of Cristal without getting laughed at.
lol, good point “95% of Jay-Z’s fans can’t afford any of these three beverages”.
But, I’m not sure about the path of ‘bling’ culture in the first place. I love hip hop though, but the problem I have with it is that its lyrics inspire some unpreviedged fans to get rich by hook or by crook. Hip hop needs redefinition and Jay-Z is in a position to redefine hiphop being the CEO of Def Jams, he can sign rappers that will do this without the mention of cristal & 19 inch rims.
Sure, he can try to make a difference, but he loves his money and if alcohol and rim jobs gets him paid then he will just go with the flow.