Heroes is a new NBC show premiering in the fall.
They thought they were like everyone else… until they woke with incredible abilities. In Japan, a lowly office worker can teleport at will. In New York, a struggling artist can paint the future. In Los Angeles, a discontented beat cop can hear the thoughts of others. Elsewhere, a high school cheerleader discovers she is unbreakable and a single mom realizes she has a powerful alter ego. Heroes chronicles the lives of these people and the lives of others like them, whose destiny just might be saving humankind.
A long summary that I didn’t write myself because it would have been too interesting. In short, this sounds like one of the shows to keep an eye on. Even the 4 minute preview here is interesting.
This does look like it’s going to be a great show. Some people are comparing it to Lost, but it looks like a much different show. Hopefully it’s as good as Lost, but it will definately be different.