Here’s something I didn’t know and there is very little that I do not know. Janet Jackson has said that she is considering having kids now that she has found love with Jermaine Dupri. She says that if he wants to adopt, then she’ll adopt.
On collaborating with Dupri on some tracks on her new album, she said, “There is no challenge with Jermaine. … Jermaine is drama-free. A lot of friends thought it would have had a major strain on the relationship, but not at all. He’s very giving — and I can give a little too.”
I’m impressed Beetlejuice can get a woman even though it’s a 40 year old Janet Jackson who was 300lbs a few months ago. I’m also glad that she’s talking about adoption because having Jermaine Dupri spawn children would be of no benefit to anyone except plastic surgeons.
Judging by these pictures, Janet Jackson looks like she’s going to hack up Jermaine into tiny pieces and dump him into a swamp full of alligators or whatever it is serial killers do. Click the banner for hi-res of that one.