Paris Hilton has booked a plot next to Marilyn Monroe for Billy Hilton. In what amounts to another slap to the face for Marilyn Monroe, people found out that Billy Hilton is Paris Hilton’s pet goat. First she claims she’s the Marilyn Monroe of our decade and now she wants to bury a goat next to her. I have no idea why Paris hates Marilyn this much.
“But it has transpired that it’s just an old goat. Normal people are content to bury their pets in the garden and be done with it. But not Paris. “This is one of the most prestigious cemeteries in the world, it’s not for animals. “It should be reserved for superstars.”
In Paris’ defense, you can’t really bury a goat in your backyard and when you combine that with the fact Paris Hilton is not too bright, this kind of stuff is to be expected. I’m not saying she’s completely retarded, but if you gave her a container of Gatorade powder, she would dump it on a mirror and snort it.