Guerilla artist, Banksy, has replaced Paris Hilton’s album with his own remixes with titles such as Why Am I Famous?, What Am I Here For? and What Have I Done? He had also changed the pictures on the sleeve to show Paris naked with a dog’s head. These songs are probably better than the real album since no one has complained or returned the tampered copies yet.
I think the public deserves answers to these questions. Why am I famous? That’s an easy one. Sex tape. What am I here for? The only living organism that will not succumb to any std. You must be studied. What have I done? A quarter of the male population in New York and California. That’s just in one night. With no lube. You, Miss, have talent to the 10th degree.
Bansky? Isn’t it Banksy? And he’s brilliant! :)
Author’s note: Yes, it should be Banksy. My brain is just too fast for my fingers.