Paris Hilton has some fans

Guerilla artist, Banksy, has replaced Paris Hilton’s album with his own remixes with titles such as Why Am I Famous?, What Am I Here For? and What Have I Done? He had also changed the pictures on the sleeve to show Paris naked with a dog’s head. These songs are probably better than the real album since no one has complained or returned the tampered copies yet.

I think the public deserves answers to these questions. Why am I famous? That’s an easy one. Sex tape. What am I here for? The only living organism that will not succumb to any std. You must be studied. What have I done? A quarter of the male population in New York and California. That’s just in one night. With no lube. You, Miss, have talent to the 10th degree.

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18 years ago

Bansky? Isn’t it Banksy? And he’s brilliant! :)

Author’s note: Yes, it should be Banksy. My brain is just too fast for my fingers.