Britney Spears lost out on some money

Britney Spears may not be paid her $400,000 hosting fee after she passed out at Pure Nightclub over the New Years and claimed it was because she was tired.

“Britney failed to spend the agreed amount of time in the club, because she had to be helped out after collapsing.” The tipster also says the club is “furious” with her because of her PR spin that she merely fell asleep – implying the place is boring.

Everyone knows Pure is boring. It’s just fact. All they have there are a bunch of celebs and hot women. They don’t even turn the lights up so I can look at them. It’s just as well since I haven’t had good experiences with molesting people in broad daylight. Apparently in addition to protecting and serving, cops are also cock blockers. Here’s some vintage Britney.

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17 years ago

I used to have a picture from that series of pictures on my wall. it was her naked on a chair with a boa .. and a top hat. it was so gorgeous. My how the mighty have fallen…