Mariah Carey chats up teenagers

This video is making the rounds everywhere. Someone videotaped Mariah Carey chatting up a couple of teenage boys in Aspen. She’s drunk and pretty much just stands there talking about nothing for eight and a half minutes. Honestly though, this could have been home made porn and I wouldn’t know it because I couldn’t even make it to the halfway mark.

If two minutes of that video wasn’t retarded enough, then news of Mariah Carey sleeping in a steam room should be. Mariah has turned her bedroom into one to keep her vocal cords humidified.

“Literally I’ll have twenty humidifiers around the bed,” Carey told V magazine. “Basically it’s like sleeping in a steam room. The bed is all terry-cloth, the ceiling is pitched so the water can’t fall on my head, and it drips down to my side, and the TV is behind glass.”

This chick is crazy. I’m really curious to see what she thinks up of next. Maybe she’ll want one of those rain forest cds to help her sleep, but instead of getting a cd player like everyone else, she’ll bring in an actual rain forest. But then she won’t realize some tribal guy is hiding in one of the trees so when she goes to sleep he’ll come out and hit her with one of his poisoned frog darts. He’ll be hailed as a hero and given the keys to the city.

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