- Pete Doherty moves in with Kate Moss. [Agent Bedhead]
- Eliza Dushku gets felt up. [The Grumpiest]
- No one likes the Grey’s Anatomy spin-off. Except the star. [SOW]
- Shiloh Jolie Pitt is Bjorn. [CityRag]
- Victoria Beckham walks perfectly straight. [Bastardly]
- Matthew McConaughey shaved. [Evil Beet]
- Bruce Willis’ hooker orgy. [Celebitchy]
- Anna Nicole had lupus? [HB]
- Jennifer Aniston does the bikini thing. [TFT]
- Jenna Elfman shows off her baby bump. [Celebrity Smack]
- Josh Hartnett is a hero. [Celebslam]
- Alyssa Milano in a new show. [Pajiba]
- Hayden Panettiere at Comic Con. [NinjaDude]
- Angelina Jolie denies Brad Pitt an on-screen kiss. [Yeeeah!]
- Maybe the Amish are right. [MollyGood]
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