- Beyonce Knowles gets an award. [Yeeeah!]
- Michael Clarke Duncan and Maria Menounos? [Bastardly]
- Angelina Jolie’s changing Oscar style. [Celebitchy]
- Justin Timberlake reunites with Andy Samberg. [Celebrity Smack]
- Does Britney not know her own age? [Evil Beet]
- Adam Sandler is back. [Pajiba]
- John Travolta’s cock-pit. [CityRag]
- Keifer Sutherland to star in Mirrors. [Glitterati]
- Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. [ICYDK]
- American’s don’t idolize forgiveness. [MollyGood]
- Kylie Minogue is over her breakup. [ASL]
- Little Rachel Riding Hood. [Popsugar]
- VH1 has another reality show about has been boy band singers. [IDLYITW]
- Sayaka Uchida. [Celebslam]
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this is for rosie d i think she needs to grow up and stop talking bad about people god knows that she not that great her self trish