Britney Spears got a new weave and boy does it make her look gorgeous. I haven’t seen such beauty since this morning when I looked in the mirror. Gosh, I’m… I’m speechless. The only way this could be more beautiful is if an umbilical cord were hanging out of her shorts.
I’ll be in my bunk. Destroying my penis.
“Stunning????????????? You must mean “SMELLINGGGGGGGGGGG
My eyes are still glazed over from looking at her face. Sexay.
She looks as if shez just put her head in the bathroom kamod !!
Those earings look like a wired fence outta sum1zz house !!
Well we all know that you are obviously in bed with crazy Brit – you have got to be the ONLY site that is KIND to Ms. Spears.
Are you retarded that you write such nice things about her: Oh she looks so good and her “comeback” tour is going nicely.
She is a walking-talking joke and the only reason people pay money to see her is because they are hoping she will do something really CRAZY while performing.