Paris might go to jail for 45 days

The prosecutor in Paris Hilton’s case has filed documents (here) with the court pushing for 45 days in jail for knowingly driving with a suspended license and failing to enroll in an alcohol education program within 21 days of the order. The LA City Attorney also requested Paris not consume alcohol for 90 days and want to enforce it by monitoring her.

The legal papers ask that “Hilton be ordered to serve 45 days in County Jail.” Prosecutors also want her to be ordered “not to consume any alcohol for a continuous period of 90 days.” During that 90-day period, prosecutors want her “to be monitored for alcohol consumption … by use of a Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) device at her expense.”

The City Attorney wants more. Because of her “flagrant” driving violations, they want her license suspended for an additional four months — and they want her car impounded for 30 days.

The case should be a slam dunk with all the photos and video footage. The only thing left is for the court to agree to everything the City Attorney asked for. I can hear screams of joy from the denizens of LA right now. As an added benefit, after 45 days of not hearing about Paris Hilton, I’ll be laughing at every picture that comes out because she’ll be wearing an ankle bracelet like Michelle Rodriguez except she won’t have anything clever to write on it.

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17 years ago

45 dayzzzz !!! OMG..I will miss her :p

17 years ago

Why do some people cant understand that drinking and driving both dont go together !!

17 years ago

Only because they think that they are celebrities and can do anything to their hearts content

17 years ago

ha ha ha

17 years ago

why do people get in trouble before they even do anything?all she has done is drive down the road.

Psychedelic Mushroom
Psychedelic Mushroom
17 years ago

I have a theory that she won’t go to jail, because she’s rich, a heiress, a Hilton. In other words, if she was poor, black, latina or just a regular person, she would already be head first inside her cell. HOWEVER, if Paris does end up in jail, it will be for only a week, and the cell will look like a mini version of a Hilton Hotel Presidential suite with all amenities including mini-bar & cameras (to make it into another ridiculous reality show later). She is an irresponsible spoiled brat with no concerns for others but her idiotic… Read more »

17 years ago

Well I hope she goes to jail to prove that American law is not only for Black or Latinos or Chinesse or poor people to pay for what they have made wrong,because I think many times rich people like this girl just put in danger the life of many people around just to have fun and after what they do?…they take out a little part of their fortune to cover everything,I mean even if her father have to pay a lot of money will be like a cookie,so I hope Mr Arnol Schwarzeneger and every one don’t look that like… Read more »