The WWE has released the text messages Chris Benoit sent to co-workers which are said to prove the murder-suicide of him and his family was premeditated. The messages, sent from both his cell phone and his wife’s, gave the location of his remains and where to find his dogs.
An autopsy confirmed Benoit murdered his wife first, his son later and hung himself last leaving no suicide note, just bibles by their bodies. According to Reuters,
Autopsy results showed that Benoit first murdered his wife, Nancy. She was bound at the feet and wrists and died of asphyxiation sometime on Friday, Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard told a news conference.
She was wrapped in a towel and some blood was found under her head but Ballard said there were no other signs of a struggle.
The couple’s son, who also died of asphyxia, was apparently killed as he lay in bed on Saturday morning, hours before Benoit hung himself, Ballard said.
“It was the cord from the weights,” he said, describing how Benoit managed to strangle himself.
Benoit left no suicide note but placed bibles alongside the bodies of his wife and son, Ballard added.
A tribute to Chris Benoit ran on Monday Night Raw, but after discovering the sordid details, WWE president Vince McMahon stated on Tuesday there will be no more mention of Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit was one creepy dude. Creepier than that guy who wants me to undress in exchange for a lollipop. What’s the stethoscope and white coat for you weirdo?! For the last time, I’m not bending over and coughing for you, you freak.