Paris Hilton wants you to know she’s changed. What better way to prove it than to wear a see through shirt. Bravo. I’m convinced. Paris was supposed to build some sort of shelter too. I think that fell through when her handlers explained that putting leftover cat food in her discarded 72 inch plasma box isn’t considered a shelter. Pictures NSFW probably, but nothing anyone hasn’t seen before.
Update: Apparently I don’t know much about nude bras because that’s what Paris is wearing under her dress. I still stand by my comment though.
Dude, she’s wearing a nude (colour) slip under that ragedy ass dress.
Damn, she tricked me. Paris Hilton tricked me. Noooooo.
No, I told you that there was no nip earlier and you chose to ignore me.
No one listens to you. Go back to your corner.