Here’s Rebecca Gayheart topless on some yacht. For those wondering who the hell Rebecca Gayheart is, she’s an actor who’s been in such hits as Harvard Man, From Dusk Till Dawn 3, Jawbreaker, Scream 2 (as Sorority Sister Lois) and Urban Legend. She was also once engaged to Brett Ratner. Ouch. She also looks like a monster. Double ouch. These are probably not safe for work. More after the jump.
Ya she played a character on the first season of showtimes Dead Like Me. Her charecter died pretty early in the season right after she ran over a 9 yr old in real life.
PS the character was good but she died like 4 or 5 episodes after they introduced her and you only really got to liking her the episode they killed her in.
and btw first
Hey no fair, I can’t be second!