Amy Winehouse and her junkie husband Blake had a huge drug-fueled fight at Soho hotel where they are staying after checking out of rehab. The squabble left Amy with swollen knuckles, a bruised temple, bloodied ballerina shoes and a cut knee. Blake seemed to have gotten it a lot worse. His face and neck were covered in scratches and he was bleeding. Amy left the hotel with Blake chasing after her. Eventually, they met up and went back to the hotel arm-in-arm.
At around 2.30am, said guests, the fight sounded like it had restarted – then Miss Winehouse was seen sprinting down the corridor to the lift, pursued by her badly bleeding husband.
One guest who got into the lift to reception at the same time said they started shouting at each other. “Amy was in floods of tears. This guy was screaming at her.
“She was cowering in the corner and I thought he was going to hit her. When the lift door opened, she took off across the lobby at a real pace.
Jesus. How many cats did she throw at his face? It looks like the guy got into a fight with Wolverine. No, not a fight. It looks like Wolverine went berserker on his face and he just stood there gawking. I suggest pouring iodine on it. Trust me. You’ll never feel more alive.
I’m thinking, maybe Amy shouldn’t be with him right now…maybe never again. She needs to focus on getting healthy. When two people have demons, stuff like this is bound to happen.
i disagree. this is true love for some people. i bet they also have really violent sex.
Well, if that’s love then serial killers must really be in love.
“Wolverine went berserker”
Heh… Wolverine reference…
kick ass…
At least she is showing a good example for the women for today:
“Date a guy that will let you scratch and beat him”
I like violent clown sex
He should tattoo that eyeliner on for her so it wouldn’t run like that. But srsly. Amy, I love you, get off the smack and write some new songs, kthnx.
Misunderstanding? Jeez if they fight and break up like that I can’t even begin to imagine what the sex and make-up is like. Daaaammmnnn.