Gwen Stefani was in Hawaii over the weekend in a bikini thing looking good. Surprising because she was pregnant a while ago. Usually people are too lazy to lose that baby fat, but still dress like they did when they were hot. Sort of pathetic and easy to make fun of which is good for me. Gwen Stefani, on the other hand, is hard to make fun of. I can give it a try though. Hm, oh, look at that stomach. I see a millimeter of pudge. What a fatty. Why don’t you go stuff your face with some more cake, piggy.
she is so gorgeous! and her and gavin look so sweet together. both are just beautiful ppl inside and out!
yea i agree, out of all the pop stars, gwen is the most down to earth and real.
ok..just noticed this. why does gavin have a paper towel in his sandal? check out 1st pic 2nd row. maybe he also has a manpon somewhere? hmm?
‘too lazy to lose the baby weight’. Have you ever had a baby? The weight you gain when you are pregnant services the baby’s needs and is really hard for most women to lose once they have given birth. Not only is pregnancy tiring, and emotional draining but also, maybe, just maybe, most new mothers have more important things to worry about than whether or not they look good rocking a bikini. Maybe, just, maybe they are too busy tending to their new born child to get down the gym or start starving themselves to meet your standards. Celebrities have… Read more »
That’s why a woman should make sure she has access to money, exercise time and nannies so that she can get herself back to normal because the effort of many mothers in the aftermath of pregnancy is often quite pathetic.
I don’t know, seeing someone’s ribs through their chest isn’t exactly what I would call a turn on. I agree with Look Up, and the fact that most women really don’t care what they look like for a while after giving birth. They have MUCH more important things to think about besides themselves. Some women like to bond with their children, you know.