Update: Nicole Richie checks into jail, checks out

Pregnant Nicole Richie checked herself into jail today to begin serving her four day sentence. According to The Insider, Nicole is staying at the Central Regional Facility in Lynwood, Paris’ old place.

Wow. Four days. That’s like… four times as long as Lindsay Lohan. I hope they have proper medical facilities. What if she goes into labor? Oh no. Because when that baby comes out, her pelvis is probably going to crack open like a wish bone. They need real operating rooms for that stuff.

Update: I guess labor won’t be a problem because Nicole Richie just checked out of jail. She spent a grand total of 82 minutes in the facility and 35 minutes in a cell. That must have been horrible. I hear the walls seemed like they were closing in on her.

And the sheriff’s statement

On August 23 2007, at 3:15 PM Miss Nicole Camille Richie reported to CRDF and surrendered herself following a July 27 arrest, she was sentenced to serve 96 hours in County Jail. Miss Richie was accompanied by her attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley and her boyfriend Joel Madden. Miss Richie was booked and processed into the jail system. Miss Richie was cooperative during the process. Based on her sentence and federal court guidelines, Miss Richie was released at 4:37 PM today.

I changed the picture. It’s more appropriate.

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17 years ago

82 minutes?!?! LA is fast food justice at its finest. 82 minutes works out to be about a minute a pound for her.

thankfully, she didn’t kill anybody driving drunk. her punishment might’ve been 2 days and that would REALLY ruin her weekend.