Bruce Willis’ daughter, Rumer Willis, was seen filming a scene from one of three movies she has coming out. Rumer is sitting in a chair, naked, dressed in some sort of body armor with a metallic dunce cap on her head. My guess is this is from the untitled Anna Faris movie.
A recently sacked pin-up girl (Faris) signs up to be the new house mother at UCLA’s nerdiest sorority.
Sounds fascinating, although, these pictures make no sense at all. Much like that bottle of Vicodin. Why would I take only 1 when 10 feels so much better? I don’t dgiet oit m,.,mcp90wpq.w…….
Is she fug? Is she hot? Is it just the backbrace confusing me? I can’t tell. She needs to exfoliate.
She’s fug. They hid her humongous jaw through witchcraft.
Okay, further google based investigation reveals all signs point to fug. Hot body though. Must suck to be a butterface.
Well, she looks fine to me, strange get-up and all. I wonder if thats some kind of kinky role-play device. meee yow.