Victoria Beckham is well-liked

Victoria Beckham’s transition to LA isn’t going as planned. Management at the celeb-friend Chateau Marmont is said to hate the Spice Girl because she always lets the paparazzi know when she’ll arrive. Although, they do love David Beckham. Even Britney Spears has a distaste for Victoria.

Last Tuesday, “Britney Spears turned up at the Chateau and the only table available was the one next to Posh,” laughs the snitch.
“But Britney didn’t want to sit next to her, so she and her friend stormed off to Il Sole instead.”

Being snubbed by Britney puts you one rung below Carrot Top. It’s like a homeless guy soaked in his own urine winning a free meal at Morton’s Steakhouse, but the only seat left is by you, so he decides he’d rather go back to the streets and find dead cats to eat. Stupid homeless people. Always thinking they’re better than you.

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