Jenna Jameson walked the Heatherette show the other day and freaked my penis out. Seriously. It’s trying to run away from me as we speak. Bad penis, stay. Stay. Screw it. I’m going to knock it out with a hammer for its own good.
Note: Halloween came early this year. There’s more.
See what too much Evil Dick in all the wrong places can do for you Jenna???
hmm..victoria beckham walks the runaway, so does jenna. both have had TONS of surgery. and now they kinda look like each other…soon, these two missing pieces will unite and unify the alien land. behold your new leader!
She could always take up modelling, by standing completely still, in the corner
…of a doctors office.
Every “celebrity loser models for Heatherette. BTW, she looks awful, and wasted. What’s up with her chest region?