The fake battle between Kanye West and 50 cent rages on and it may be swinging in Kanye’s favor. West is so secure that he will emerge victorious and sell more albums than 50, Fifty?, Fitty?, that he made a “creative decision” to cancel his Today Show concert at Rockefeller Center. Page Six writes,
But that doesn’t explain West canceling his scheduled appearance at “TRL” yesterday, or his interview with David Letterman. We also heard he was thinking of backing out of “Ellen,” and might not do “Saturday Night Live” at the end of October. “Kanye knows he is winning the album battle with 50 Cent and is so high on his horse that he can’t even bother promot ing his album,” sniffed one spy. A rep for West added, “Kanye is doing ‘Ellen’ and ‘Jimmy Kimmel.’ And he will do ‘SNL.’ “
I don’t know what to do with Kanye. On the one hand, I want to punch him in the ovaries. On the other, I don’t want to listen to him cry like a little girl. Kanye’s head is so big that when he takes a dump, he stands and admires it for a few minutes while a tear rolls down his cheek.
We just reported on Highbrid Nation that Kanye is way ahead of 50 Cent in album sells. I gotta admit, I love Kanye’s music but his arogance almost makes me want to see him fail.
Watching Kanye on Jimmy Kimmel made me realize what a seriously arrogant guy Kanye is.