Covering up half her huge forehead, Rihanna arrived at the MTV Video Music Awards with some spectacular breasts. So, if Britney left a bitter taste in your mouth, this should help. But, before you start clicking on the pictures, just remember this profound statement courtesy of Rihanna. “Baby, ’cause in the dark, you can’t see shiny cars.” I live my life by these words.
Hey, she has this superhero-chick vibe going on. She looks like she could be a new X-Men character…maybe “Rogue 2.0” or something…
Rogue 2.0 ?!?!
if rihanna and hayden ever fought, no one would land any punches cuz their foreheads would get in the way.
She’s beautiful!
I agree with Junk, she could be new Storm! Halle Berry, look out!
i like ur opinion
yall ppl really have no life… seriously….
Your mom has no life! Oooooo
New storm r u jokin pmsl thts s**t lol
rihanna is beautiful,no doubt.but she takes photos that make her look like a slut