Helena Bonham Carter gave birth late Sunday to a baby girl. This is the second child for the couple who also have a 4-year-old son, Billy. In addition to this little miracle, Tim Burton and Helena found out they were nominated for Golden Globes during the birth.
“We were talking about inducing, and Tim got a call from his assistant,” Bonham Carter told PEOPLE before the birth. “I do look like a globe, so it’s kind of funny. I am very round.”
She also joked that it was probably hard on the baby while in utero to listen to Mom learning how to sing for her role in the musical. “Maybe the baby’s going to come out with his hands on his ears. ‘Shut up!’ ” she laughed.
I’m sure Helena singing about a murderous barber wasn’t all that bad. Imagine if you were in Paris Hilton’s womb. That would majorly suck. Paris’ first ultrasound would show the baby covering its ears with its newly developed hands. The next one would show the baby seemingly crying. The last one would show it trying to wrap the umbilical cord around its neck in a valiant effort to end a life of cleaning up mommy’s boyfriend’s used prophylactics before it even started.
Hottest baby ever! I love these two so much.