Sophie Monk has spectacular side-boob

I’ll admit there are a few times I post about a celebrity who I don’t know what they’re famous for. This is one of those times. For what it’s worth, I really don’t care what Sophie Monk does just that she attended the AFI Industry Awards in Melbourne proudly displaying her awe inspiring side-boob. While seemingly awesome at first, please note that all romantic notions may be ruined when you look up to see a face resembling one of those murderous porcelain dolls in horror movies. Although, I’d like to believe that the chance to mentally fondle her chest far outweighs the risk of my already empty soul being stolen. By the way, she’s dating Benji Madden so now is as good of a time as any to kill yourself.

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16 years ago

she is a talentless aussie bird who used to be in a shite girl band called Bardot