Britney’s nudie pics are out

Partially nude pictures that former photog boyfriend Adnan Ghalib took of Britney Spears while they were together are now being shopped around by Finalpixx, the agency he works for. Finalpixx is denying these rumors, but TMZ has confirmed that many U.S. tabloids passed on the pictures, which were pitched for five figures, because they weren’t any good. Meanwhile, X17 says the nude pictures were sold to an Australian magazine for $57,000.

And here’s what we’re told about the “semi-nude” photos: there are shots of Britney wearing just a t-shirt — we guess it’s the night she was with him on the balcony, sharing the lollipop and she was wearing a t-shirt with no pants and a jacket.

It is said initial reactions to the photos were ones of shock and horror, similar to those of waking up to a humongous spider crawling on your face, coupled with high pitched shrieks of, “Get it away! Get it away!,” from both seasoned vets and interns alike.

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capt. cornhole
capt. cornhole
16 years ago

I would love to get my pecker close to her hot turd squirter, I would jamb that fucker in there and pump like a dying monkey!

cornhole is a loser
cornhole is a loser
16 years ago

u trying to get quoted like swarthy, aren’t ya…

16 years ago

I don’t think anybody will still be interested in Britney soon..