Update: Apparently, this is huge news in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan because these people are major stars there. Earlier, the foreign papers reported these as fake, even showing how they could be photoshopped, but after all these new pictures came out, they’ve relented somewhat.
My knowledge of celebrity doesn’t extend too far beyond English speaking countries, so I don’t know much about it. Just that, now, more pictures have come out of these girls and include one more girl, Cecilia Cheung and… CHRIST ALMIGHTY, IS THAT THING ALIVE DOWN THERE? Kill it! Kill it!
Trivia: Edison was in Infernal Affairs which was subsequently remade by Martin Scorsese into The Departed.
Edison Chen stars in the Grudge 2 and possibly The Dark Knight and will be in the upcoming Hayden Christensen movie Jumper. And he’s also in these nude photos with two girls that go by the names Gillian Chung (vaj shot) and Bobo Chan (??). I figure some of you know who they are. I have no idea. I just want to say to the ladies letting their partners take pictures of them in a state of undress, please, for the love of god, wax or at the very least trim. Every time I see these sex scandal pictures I always feel like I need a safari hat and machete just to make it through all of them. By the way, the pictures are NSFW. A lot more after the jump.
Edison Chen announces he is quitting Hong Kong showbiz.
Edison Chen has delayed his return to Hong Kong.
lolz. Any other follow up news on this? I’m pretty certain these pics are real. How are their PR reps for the girls handling this? They’ve been sticking to their “innocent and pure” branding. This should be interesting.
They’re claiming fake, but there’s a whole set of pictures out there. Just not in HQ yet.
Do you still have the pic?
can i ask :p
Oh maan, so hairy, I guess in that way they are “innocent”. I remember being in China and seeing all this armpit hair everywhere, I guess waxing isn’t popular over there. What kind of name is Bobo?
i wan more nude pics!!
i live in hk, and i can vouch that this is hot s**t…
it’s everywhere in the papers, but everyone is crying about it and saying how it’s fake. the celebs have already given it to the cops and they’re trying to solve the case…but uploading it and such is completing illegal in hk…so thx for the share…haha
I v found those pictures for so long time, thank you very much!!!
But I heard that there has some videoes about this, is that ture?
Can someone upload those videoes???
last time i love edison… this is disapointing… cant imagine he do this
ok guys…its OVER! the man who published this pics is already caught. lets see the news tomorrow.
lol these pics just show how horny girls are! enough to let you shoot pics! lmao seriously tho…just because they’re stars it don’t mean they’re immune to naughty things, come on now, im sure a few of you have had pics taken for your boy and girl and its totally for you, UNLESS its a publicity stunt (which could end their careers) but lets be honest, sex is natural, edison is a prick but nonetheless, how unfortunate of me to say it…he’s human (a human prick) im glad mines bigger than his! but yeah, y’all peoples takin it too seriously,… Read more »
Edison really a”DICK”
Yeah right … ever tried _waxing_ your armpits or private parts? LOOOOL … pls. make a video when you try to do so :D … sounds like you’re from the US :).
hey where u find these pics from?
any uncensored ones?
OH! That’s Hot!!
Thank You So Much!!
U give me answers!
Thank you!
Enjoy watching these photos!
FYI, Bobo is Edison ex-girlfriend a few years ago, she is a singer and actress at that time. Bobo have faded out from HK showbiz and prepare to get marriage soon..but this photo may ruined everythings!
Gillian Chung, member of the two girls group “Twins”, very very popular in HK Taiwan and China and having a lot of advertisement deal…so you can imagine the damage that can done to her!!
These photos, as some magazines in HK said, waS captured from video!
Wow! can get so many babes to strip for him. You cant deny Edison is good in this aspect. Mayb ABC looks are popular among the HK celeb circle.
thank you for sharing!! pls upload the new photos!! it’s very difficult to get these pictures!
its a forest down there.. they need to advocate grooming over in asia.
Totally agree…nobody in HK will ever work with him…azzhole
I can’t believe people do believe this crap. I don’t think it real. The picture must had been fixed. No way the girls would do it.
omg even more pics omg!
Is there a version where that last pic of Cecilia is uncensored?
omg this is big news.
Thanks for the upload.
Edison is a dick! & I hate Twins even more now!
i want it too
wow scandalous!!! digitally altered?? yeah right, those pics look like the real deal 2 me!! thnks 4 postin the pics!! more of bobo would be a nice, she’s fit…. and btw, edison rocks!! what a stud!
How can it NOT be real? Look at it. Besides, who cares? They’re HK celebs, jeezus. That’s already B-grade compared to Taiwan celebs. Twin’s suck at singing and acting, Bobo is a hasbeen, and Cecilia is just mediocre. Edison is a playboy, everyone knows that.
Taiwan actors can’t act for s**t compared to HK actors. I’ll give ’em the music side, but Taiwan sucks in cinema.
I hope there are video version of it lol