I have no clue who Aisleyne Horgan Wallace is and I’m too lazy to look it up. I’ll assume she must be semi-famous because someone is taking pictures of her. Topless. With her girlfriend. Who is also topless. Touching each other. In a pool. In a shower. Dripping wet. Bending over. Lost the ability to form complete sentences. A puddle of drool. My lap. Brain. Can’t think. Thank you. Goodnight. Rubber baby buggy bumpers. *Shakes myself out of trance* Holy crap. This isn’t heaven is it?! I’m too young and pretty to be dead! Pictures NSFW by the way and these are old. Still…
Ex Big Brother housemate. Ergh, she is so annoying, I thought she had finally gone away.
I do believe you can see her waxed swollen chitlins whilst she’s bent over.
AND What’s just north of the chitlins? The cornhole.
I just love mouth-watering sexy cornholes like that.
I had to knock one out sitting here at work!
HAHA think about that next time you go through Burger King drive-thru when it’s slow, and your server has a red sweaty face…
Her 2008 calendar is on http://www.aisleyne.com
You gotta see it. It’s hot hot hot!
Fake boobs. Just exactly like mine.