What a sexy story, tell me more

Britney and Adnan Ghalib went on a nude shopping spree (not really, but that’s what I’m going to call it) at the Betsey Johnson store in Sherman Oaks, CA on January 13. Britney reportedly took a bunch of clothes to the dressing room only to come out completely naked a short while later.

“I was blown away. Britney’s private parts were right in front of me!” a store employee tells Life & Style.

“I grabbed a dress to cover her and she screamed, ‘Get away from me! Don’t you f—— come near me!’ says the employee.

“Then she disappeared in the dressing room with Adnan for 45 minutes. They were making weird noises. It was disgusting.”

When Britney and Adnan stumbled out, Britney mumbled something unintelligible. “I couldn’t understand a word she was saying. She was slurring and spitting, and talking with a British accent,” says the employee. “Her face was covered with cold sores and acne, and her scalp was patchy. I wanted to help her, but she was so mean that I left her alone.

“Then she muttered, ‘F— you!’ and left the store.”

I’ve had nightmares like this. In them, I was frozen with fear, unable to do anything. “Don’t be a hero,” my brain warned me. I hope one day, if I’m ever faced with a naked Britney Spears covered in cold sores and acne shaking like gelatin in front of me, I’ll be able to find the courage to pick up the nearest pole and beat her with it.

In Touch also has info on Britney’s suicide note that she left in the bathroom during the standoff. Her pal Sam Lufti found it and a source says,

“It was filled with reasons why she shouldn’t live, included lines from poems about death. She said in it she was sorry for never making her life what everyone else wanted. She mentioned how lonely and unfair life could be, how peaceful death seems and how your mind would finally be at ease.” The friend adds, “She went on and on about wanting to just rest in peace.”

I heard after months of debate, McDonald’s decided not to bring back the Chicken Parmesan sandwich. Just, ehm, food for thought.

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16 years ago

Britney is a dirty whore. :/

16 years ago

i agree.

she’s a major psycho

16 years ago

God love this girl, she makes morning coffee so enjoyable.

Charlotte Jones
Charlotte Jones
16 years ago

As the mother of two, ages 21 & 15, I just don’t understand where her parents and other family are? How much more bizarre and unstable does she have to be before someone–Anyone!-steps in and commits her for the right amount of time necessary to evaluate her. Can’t they see like the rest of the world (thanks to the paps) that she is slowly going over the deep-end and those around her are racing each other in order to make as much $$$$$$ as they can before anything worse happens. Come on Mr. & Mrs. Spears-Step up and show the… Read more »

16 years ago

Oh God. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I feel sorry for her. She’s obviously mad. Shouldn’t she be locked away somewhere and been given a psychiatric treatment? What on earth is she doing running away with her tart wedding dress, no knickers and a paparazzi? What’s her family doing? Oh yes, worrying how much money they will get from Britney’s little sister pregnancy. I think I’m seeing my own family in a whole new light.

Dhanloir Gleason
Dhanloir Gleason
16 years ago

I admire you Mrs. Briney Jean Spears Federline!!

You are so beautiful and you were so popular since 15 years old. You are an American Dreams so please, never let yourself be damaged!!

16 years ago

She used to be so fit not that long ago but she has obviously had a go of drugs probably to see what it was like the first time and it looks like she is now addicted whcih is a huge shame for a beautiful girl like Britney to go the same way as Amy Winehouse.

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