Will Smith: I Am Scientologist

Based on the wrap present he gave to crew members after filming Hancock, it’s believed Will Smith is the newest convert to Scientology, a religion based on aliens, hydrogen bombs, volcanoes and whatever else sounds cool to the five-year-old who made it up. Lasers? Yea, Scientology’s got that too.

His recent gift after wrapping next summer’s comedy “Hancock” was a card good for a personality test at your local Scientology center. Never mind that such tests are given free by the church anyway. The quiz is designed to convert people to the religion by identifying personality flaws that – surprise! – Scientology can fix right up for you. For a fee, of course.

Last month he told Access Hollywood,

“I was introduced to it by Tom, and I’m a student of world religion. I was raised in a Baptist household. I went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98% the same ideas of Scientology, 98% the same ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism.”

I believe the typical response to Will’s present was, “A card for a personality test. That’s awesome! Thanks man. Oops, it seems to have accidentally slipped out of my hand and dropped to the ground. Now I’m accidentally stomping on it. Weird, I can’t stop stomping. Oh, no. I’ve urinated on it. How did that happen. My bad.” Mind you, this wasn’t said to his face. No, he has far too many muscles for that.

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16 years ago

i guess the other 2% is where the aliens come in.

16 years ago

It will continue to amaze me how otherwise seemingly well-adjusted people get roped into the scam that is $cientology.

16 years ago

I agree with saxyman… I think anyone is free to pursue the religion of their choice, but when one looks at the background of L. Ron Hubbard, etc. it’s quite easy to see that this is not a religion but a cult. I also don’t have any problems with anyone belonging to a cult – as long as no one is hurt or killed or forced to commit suicide. What surprises me, though, is that people who seem to be otherwise intelligent people can fall for the science fiction ramblings of L. Ron Hubbard and believe it is a RELIGION… Read more »

16 years ago

Will, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Jada, NOOOOOOOOOO! Think of your children! It’s not too late! Please! GOD, help them to get out and away from this CULT known as Scientology! What a total load of BULL! I never thought of Will and Jada as SHEEP, so if this story is true … Sad.

15 years ago

Will Smith denied involvement during the filming of Hancock at the request of the studio, yet he gave a combined $122,500 to the Church of Scientology, broken into these donations: $67,500 to the New York Rescue Workers Detoxication Fund, $50,000 to the group’s Celebrity Center in Hollywood and $5,000 to ABLE, another Scientology offshoot. Smith and his wife have also supported a private school called New Village Academy they opened this fall in suburban Los Angeles called Calabasas that uses Scientology learning concepts. Scientologists often hide the status of their higher ranking celebrities, for example, you can look up Juliette… Read more »