In a MySpace post, Eli Roth describes his inability to get laid by Lindsay Lohan because of his age (35).
And to cap off the best week ever, I was having drinks with a friend at the Beverly Hills Hotel the other night, and Lindsay Lohan walked by our booth with a girlfriend, checking us out. She then went out to the bathroom, turned around, came back and walked by us again, and mumbled to her friend “too old,” and kept walking. Now – she’s absolutely correct – but it was still pretty fucking hilarious. Especially since we were in the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel – where the average age is 97. If you look too old in there you’re fucked! Time to hit the Botox!
P.S. Now I’m in bed with bronchitis from not getting enough sleep last week. Maybe Lindsay’s right!
Weird. I assumed Lindsay walks around in a drunken haze half the day and mauls the first guy she sees. Oddly enough, that is incorrect as it appears she’s pretty picky about who gets to spray their seed over her face.