Amy Winehouse has recently been spotted with strange bumps on her face. But, don’t worry. It’s only a highly contagious bacterial skin infection. The Mayo Clinic’s web site says:
Impetigo starts as a red sore that quickly ruptures, oozes for a few days and then forms a yellowish-brown crust that looks like honey or brown sugar. The disease is highly contagious, and scratching or touching the sores is likely to spread the infection to other parts of the body as well as to other people.
…is highly contagious, and scratching or touching the sores is likely to spread the infection to other parts of the body as well as to other people”
I imagine this impetigo is easy to catch when you constantly pass out on the floor of a public restroom. Those things are riddled with disease. I really think the janitors are lying when they say they mop daily because one time a big guy with muscles dared me to lick the floor. Well, it was more like “I dare you to lick the floor or I’ll break your teeth,” to which I replied, “I accept your challenge, sir.” Anyway, it didn’t taste clean at all.