A grainy screen shot from a video supposedly of Lindsay Lohan giving Calum Best a bj has been proven to be a fake. An eagle eyed porn fiend reader sent in a link to the video from which the picture came (XTube, very NSFW). The poorly shot vid was added two months ago and contains two other clips beneath it which pretty much refutes the claim that it’s Lindsay. In reality, it’s just some girl blowing a dude watching tv. Great, I got a boner for nothing. Then again, there’s still that penis in her mouth and Lindsay loves that so I guess I’m on the fence with this one.
Thanks to sexy reader Erik for dashing all of my hopes and dreams.
LOL so funny!! how can anyone claim thats lindsay it could be Chubacka from that shot …it could be the ultimate warrior !!!! …..no doubt she has a video ….id buy that for a dollar
I dont know…it really does look like her
and only calum’s rep has denied it