The Lohan’s have their own show

Dina and Ali Lohan’s reality show appropriately titled, Living Lohan, has been greenlit for eight episodes. The show will follow the Lohan matriarch, Dina, as she attempts to launch her 14-year-old daughter, Ali’s, acting career. Judging by the fine job she did with Lindsay, I expect this to end well.

The show, from Bunim-Murray Prods. and Maloof TV, will chronicle Ali and Dina’s upcoming trip to Las Vegas, where Ali is set to start work on a solo album – which will release on the Maloofs’ Interscope-owned record label. While in Vegas, the duo will stay at the Maloof-owned Palms hotel. Though the show will also feature Dina’s two sons, 11-year-old Cody and 20-year-old college student Michael, so far, there are no plans to have Lindsay appear, though producers leave that door wide open, pointing out that anything’s possible with such a ”close-knit family.”

Aww, how sweet. How often do you see a mother-daughter duo of fame whores in their own reality show? Not often enough, I say. I’ll be surprised if there isn’t one scene where they catch Dina in the bathroom doing a couple lines before the door slams shut on the camera and a minute later Dina bursts out acting erratic and proclaiming Ali to be the best actress of all time. “Even better than that green slimeball monster in Ghostbusters who won the Oscar,” she’ll exclaim.

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16 years ago

OMG!!! This woman is shameless! She’s such an attention seeker and money-monger!!! She’s wrecked one kids life already and still not content, she must screw up the other? Shame, shame. While I am not for neutering I think an exception should have been made in her case years ago. OOhh and Britney too (lol)

capt. cornhole
capt. cornhole
16 years ago

ol’ Dina looks like she’s had her lips wrapped around a cock or two in her day! She’s gotta have big old wrinkled meat flaps too.

16 years ago

what cemetary did they dig Dina up from ?