Anorexia has become an increasingly common issue among young women in Hollywood as well as regular folk. In the latest issue of CosmoGIRL!, Brittany Snow reveals that she too suffered from it and credits best friend Sophia Bush for helping her beat a nine year battle with the disorder.
“Sophia gives really, really good advice,” Snow, 22, reveals in the May issue of CosmoGIRL!. “I was going through a difficult time, and she was going through a difficult time figuring out the whole Chad [Michael Murray split] thing.
“We had so many slumber parties where she held my hand [as we worked] through a lot of different things,” Snow goes on. “When somebody can be there through something like that, they’re a friend forever.”
Brittany and Sophia had “so many slumber parties” where they “worked through a lot of different things.”So, does that mean they, like, made out? With tongue? And did they strip naked and pillow fight while feathers rained down around them? And did they finish the evening by going down on each other? Because clinical psychologists agree that this is a great way to battle anorexia. Rawr. I didn’t know eating disorders could sound this erotic. Usually when people talk to me about anorexia, it’s about how they took a dump in a plastic container and weighed it.