Vanilla Ice was arrested Thursday night for domestic battery after an argument with his wife. He is currently being held without bond. The 40-year-old rapper, real name Robert Van Winkle, allegedly “kicked and hit her.” Laura Van Winkle (hehe) later said he only pushed her.
Deputies arrived at Van Winkle’s Wellington home around 7:15 p.m. to find him on his motorcycle, two blocks from their home, the Palm Beach Post reported. He said he left on his motorcycle so he and his wife could cool down.
“He started yelling at me for going out to buy a bedroom set. In front of my daughter,” she told a deputy, the arrest report says, according to the Post.
Vanilla told the officers his wife is bipolar, but is still prone to irrational behavior despite taking medication. Reports, however, show Van Winkle has already been booked twice on domestic battery and domestic dispute charges.
The most amazing part of this story is someone married Vanilla Ice. That should have made up the majority of the article in and of itself. They should have titled it “Guy who sang Ice Ice Baby and made a cameo in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II is married, spousal abuser, married!” Then put that quizzical smiley face at the end: 0_o