Victoria Beckham poses here in two shots for Marc Jacobs. In the first one, Victoria’s all mean and sexy. Rawr. In the second one, she bears a striking resemblance to a Barbie doll, in the stiff, soulless, plasticy sense not in the “I want to do her anatomically incorrect body so bad” sense. Magnificent.
All in all, this seemed like a successful photo shoot for Victoria Beckham. If she was aiming for something that would creep me the hell out.
she looks like the Madame of Liquid Silver in Tank Girl.
In the 2nd photo she looks like those dolls you used to put in toilet rolls to hide the toilet paper.
It looks like fashion day at the local mental institution to me.
aieeee. how can a guy like beckham be with such a “cure dents” (toothpick) like this. ouch!!!! it must really hurt to make love to her. guy i pity you.