David Beckham is a dick, maybe

Jeanne Kelly and her sister, Diane, both bid $7,000 at a Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy charity auction for their sons to have a meet-and-greet with David Beckham. The package was supposed to include round trip flights to LA, hotel accommodations, VIP field seats at Friday’s Galaxy game and the chance for their sons to meet David who was supposed to sign a jersey for them. On Tuesday, Kelly and her sister both received calls from Darren Brown from Charity Sports Auctions that the event was canceled because David had a breach of security and isn’t doing it anymore. Page Six explains:

Brown told us Charity Sports Auctions got the Beckham package from the LA-based entertainment group ACE. Max Soto, the president of ACE, told Page Six the event has just “been postponed,” adding, “It was never intended to be promoted on David alone. There were internal issues.”

Beckham’s agent, Jeff Raymond, says neither Beckham nor the Galaxy was even informed of the event and, “It’s unfortunate they lost their money. David would never not honor charity he was supposed to do.”

This is why I don’t donate to charities. Too much heartache. And that whole giving to those less fortunate thing. Plus, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? I’m not even sure how to pronounce that. Are you sure they didn’t just make it up? Maybe it’s worse than it sounds like Rhinovirus sounds menacing, but it’s just a cold. Can’t they walk it off? I mean, I’ve stubbed my toe on more than one occasion. It hurt a lot, but no one donated to my Hurt Toe Foundation.

On an unrelated note, people say I have a lump of coal for a heart, but I like to believe I never had one to begin with.

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16 years ago

David Beckham is a really nice guy by all accounts. Sometimes these things can get way out of wack. I’m sure he would do his best to accommodate the people if it comes down to it.

Leave him alone.

16 years ago

Beckham is a Scumbag. We already knew this.

16 years ago

No Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy can not be walked off I should know, my three brothers were diagnosed with it, and I am a carrier for the disease. Meaning when I have a child, my son will have the disease, and my daughter will be a carrier for it. Around age 7 it usually becomes difficult for them to walk, mainly becomes their muscles are weakening. Every muscle in their bodies slowly deteriorates. Because of this they almost always develop congestive heart failure( which is what my eldest brother passed away from). Their lungs become incredible weak and have severe breathing… Read more »

DMD mom
DMD mom
16 years ago

If David Beckham is a dick, you are a bigger one. I’m watching my beautiful 4 year old boy slowly die of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. It is quite possibly the worst disease I could think of him getting.

Your blog makes me sick.

16 years ago

Wow – the ignorance of some people totally amazes me. That is the great thing about Google it is very easy to figure these things out. I can tell you that Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is quit real and is a horrible thing to watch your child go through. It is a fatal genetic disorder that has no cure. My 9 year old son was diagnosed with DMD 3 years ago and it is hard to imagine anything worse than watching your son slowly lose his ability to walk and having to try to explain to him why he can’t walk… Read more »

16 years ago

Ok, I’ll take the bait. It seems others have chimed in who know people with DMD. I’m actually someone who has DMD. And I’ve lost numerous friends from the disease. If you have no idea what DMD is, you more than likely have your face too far up your rear end to see the light of day. I suppose the choice is in your prerogative. You gained 4 hits on your silly little celebrity blog, afterall. I hope you enjoy the ad revenue while you are burning in your special level of hell. Perhaps it might be wise to use… Read more »