Jeremy Piven is a big failure

Megan Fox

During the Spike TV awards airing this Sunday, Jeremy Piven attempted to hit on Megan Fox, but failed miserably. Piven opened with,

I don’t know you, but I should,” said Piven, staring at her like she was a lamb chop. He went on: “I know you’re getting an award.” Said an unimpressed Fox: “Do you even know which one?” The “Entourage” star was ready to answer, but she’d already walked away.

Personally, I open up girls by threatening their family and if that doesn’t work, I turn on the charm by pulling out a gun. I find that works pretty well too.

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16 years ago

I’ll admit it-I enjoyed PCU. Too bad Piven has become such a tool.

16 years ago

His penis probably tucks himself under his hood out of sheer embarrassment the minute Jeremy starts talking to women. Even fortune and fame can’t get this dude laid.

16 years ago

Megan Fox BUGS. She thinks she’s Angelina Jolie. But, good for her for the quick comeback!
And Piven – he isn’t even good-looking. Whatever tramps he HAS laid had obviously boosted his confidence enough to feel that he can talk to women this way. And it’s not like Megan is even single! He was throwing himself into the fire pit thhere.

16 years ago

guns? threats? see, you’re making things too complicated. just whip it out. it’s that easy. that’s what i tell my parole officers.