Katherine Heigl recently pulled out of the running for an Emmy because she said her material was lacking (ie. the Grey’s Anatomy writers suck). Yesterday, a show insider contacted EW and expressed his dissatisfaction.
“The show bent over backwards to accommodate her film schedule, and then she criticizes the show for lack of material?” the insider said. “It’s an ungrateful slap in the face to the very writers responsible for her Emmy win in the first place.”
To let her know how they feel, the writers should make a Katherine Heigl death flip book out of the script. That way when Katherine goes over her lines, she can see herself on fire running around with no one caring enough to pour water on her and eventually she just falls to the ground turning into ash. Also they should smear feces on every other page. I always find it helpful when you’re subtle in these types of situations.
Is it just this pic, or is her head really that enormous? I mean, that’s one hefty cranium.
She has a big head and an even bigger mouth. Literally.
She lost a lot of weight. She wasn’t nerly as bobble-headed when she had her Roswell-era babyfat.
I preferred her chunky look. But then again, I also preferred when she wasn’t a stupid bitch that criticized every important role she’s ever had.
Yeah, that was stupid on her part. She could have easily withdrawn her name from the Emmy pool diplomatically by saying something like, “I just don’t feel like my performance was up to standard this year.” Quite frankly, she’s had some rather juicy storylines over the years (affair and killing of Denny, affair with Alex then George, becoming a “softer” kind of doctor, etc.). So yes, she IS an ungrateful bitch, and they should royally screw her over next season.
Hollywood doesn’t take kindly to s**t like that. KH and Sharon Stone both put their foot in their mouth this year.
Besides, Heigl isn’t much of an actress anyway. And she will age badly. I remember her back in my Maxim Mag buying days and she had a spread. Damn she was hot. Now, she’s looking like a anorexic old mom. Screw her punk ass.
I could never stand Catherine heigl,she’s so third rate.She always struck me as someone who thought they were better than they were,this just proves it.
Never liked this wheffah ever since she trash talked Isiah Washington. Hope she gets canned, that’ll bring her back down to earth.
I agree with each and every one of the preceeding opinion…except the one where every other page is spread with feces.
unless its ‘smiley feces’.
yeah..that would be okay…I like the color yellow. remind me again – who’re we talkin’ about..???
I agree with Katherine Heigl. The material was poor, people tuned in to the show because of her and the material with her and Denny. It was the material that makes her look good and its not making her look good. It was the material that made “Chasing Cars” famous.