Brody Jenner, son of Bruce Jenner and The Hills regular, has signed with MTV to do six episodes of Bromance. The reality show pits contestants against each other in challenges to see who’ll ultimately become Brody’s bitch in his entourage.
Along the way, contestants will be whittled down via “Hot Tub Elimination Ceremonies” after which rejected “bros” will be asked to leave the bachelor pad dripping wet in a swimsuit, luggage in hand. Bringing to mind various dating reality shows, contestants also will have shots at a “group date” and “alone time” with Jenner in every episode.
This is possibly the most homoerotic description for a tv show ever. They might as well have put, “contestants will be fucked in the ass by Brody to see who’s really man enough to hang with him.” The prize sucks too. The only upside to being in Brody’s entourage is that you have a chance at getting Brody Jenner’s sloppy seconds. The downside is not even Brody Jenner’s sloppy seconds will sleep with you. You should just drown yourself if you even consider applying for this.