Joan Rivers is a hundred years old and when you’re that age it doesn’t matter what comes out of your mouth because anything you do say will be followed by a polite laugh even though it’s not meant to be funny. (Oh you pooped your pants? Ha ha, grandma.) Which is why it was weird when the tv show Loose Women asked Joan to leave after she dropped the f-bomb during a live broadcast. PEOPLE reports:
Rivers went code blue when she was asked about the challenges of interviewing celebrities on the red carpet. She said, “Get ready to bleep this,” before using the offending words while talking about Russell Crowe.
Joan has since issued an apology, kind of.
“Yes, I swore, and I’m so fucking sorry. No one told me the TV show Loose Women was a reality show and that I would be voted off,” said she later in her statement. “It’s funny: offstage, I hardly ever use profanity. My favorite four-letter word is ‘shop.’ “
People of a certain age should be allowed to get away with whatever they want. I mean, if someone has been on this planet for 70 years, they should be extended the courtesy of swearing on live tv. At 80 years old, they should be able fondle women’s breasts without being hassled by the cops. I think old people deserve that right.